September 09, 2004
Touch that third rail, baby!

The former Captain Inertia, who for some reason has switched to a new blog with the equally delightful name of Up, Lummox!, has started a series of posts explaining his theology of sex. So far, he's invoked the spirit of Peter Nixon, always a good start, and explained why he thinks Christians should talk about sex. Looks like it should be interesting.

Oh, and he's already starting his career as an absent-minded professor. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does crap like that.

Posted by Camassia at September 09, 2004 06:01 PM | TrackBack


Re: the name change--I'd been thinking about it for a while. I'd been Captain Inertia for nigh unto two years, and what with quitting my job, moving to another state, and starting grad school, I felt like it was time to turn over a new leaf. Also, I guess I just think 'lummox' is a funny word--but that's just me.

Posted by: Dave on September 9, 2004 08:21 PM

I miss Peter's blog. Among the Ruins kind of reminds me of it, and hey, Keith at Among the Ruins just started at Princeton too (Ph.D though)! Small world.

Posted by: Jennifer on September 10, 2004 03:32 PM
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