September 30, 2004
Terms whose definitions I know not

I was amused by this quote from Eli Lilly on trying to read philosophy:

Occasionally in the past, and even now, ambition leads me to set sail upon those entrancing waters, but unfortunately I never had any training in navigating the deeps of philosophy and have always promptly run hard aground on the reefs or mud flats of terms whose definitions I know not. Blowing a whistle blast for help from that staunch tugboat the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, instead of one powerful unit coming to my help, three or four smaller variations of meanings show up, usually pulling in opposite directions, leaving me helpless and making it necessary to take to the life boats of history and biography.

And this was before the postmodernists took over.

Posted by Camassia at September 30, 2004 09:05 PM | TrackBack

Oh, that's good! I'll steal it pronto.

Posted by: Hugo on October 1, 2004 10:35 AM

Speaking of postmodernism and conflation of language, check out "The Postmodernism Generator". Each time the page is accessed it constructs a new essay. Quite funny!

Posted by: Troy on October 4, 2004 07:13 PM
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