August 18, 2004
The haps

As if my last post weren't grim enough, I now find out that Josh Claybourn has lost his mother at the age of only 49. Wow. Does anyone know how it happened?

On a happier note, Dwight P., friend of Dash and sometime commenter here, has started up his own blog, Versus Populum. It's already as full of interesting stuff as you'd expect.

And finally, anyone curious about what Telford looks like will be happy to know that he's put his picture up on his front page. It's a good picture and it does look like him, unlike the photo he sent me before we met that didn't help me find him at all. (He actually identified me first, perhaps on the theory that a new young woman looking around hopefully in the church lobby was probably me.) But for some reason, whenever I look at it I start giggling. I guess I'm in a weird mood.

Posted by Camassia at August 18, 2004 03:11 PM | TrackBack
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