June 28, 2003
Niche marketing

Yesterday a friend and I went to see Finding Nemo (it was fun, but probably doesn't require any great discussion), and then had dinner at Islands, a sort of tikki-bar-style restaurant chain here in SoCal. It's goofy, but fun: there are faux-Polynesian idols and whatnot decorating the walls, thatched "roofs" over the booths, and TV monitors scattered around showing surfing videos (though last night, for some reason, they were showing snowboarding). The food is pretty tasty.

Before dinner we ordered cocktails, and I got a rum-and-fruit-juice concoction called a Shipwreck. Afterwards I remarked that even though the drink was tall, it wasn't very strong. "It's not really a Shipwreck," I said. "It's more of a Gentle Beaching."

My friend liked this so much he said all drinks should have alternate names for their weaker versions. Here are some we came up with:

Mudslide - Mud Puddle
Kamikaze - Paper Plane
Avalanche - Falling Snowflakes
Orgasm - Foreplay

Hmm, maybe that drink affected me more than I thought...

Posted by Camassia at June 28, 2003 08:20 AM | TrackBack
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